Conviction comes in many forms...spiritual conviction is to lead with Jesus as your guide and form a relationship that transcends this world. We are looking for partners who do not need worldly acclaim or their name on the side of a building. Partners who know the importance of giving and leaving the ego at the door. Where actions are the strongest reflection of words. And trust is a given.
The management of our financial lives is only a part of the Matthew6.LIFE. In reading the word of God, we find humility in the gifts we have been given. Our expression of faith is financial, physical, emotional, and spiritual. We encourage your daily being to embrace the words of Jesus and know the Kingdom of God is at hand. It's right here...right now! Matthew6.LIFE is the living embodiment of spiritual and financial giving without the walls or barriers often used. We want to give joyously and give thanks to God...through his son Jesus, the Christ, as living testimony that what we have on earth is temporary. What we have received must be shared with those who are less fortunate. Our intent is to educate and lift up our brothers and sisters to a new way of living, a new way of thinking, to a life filled with the spirit of God. You are invited... to share your gifts and not let the right hand know what the left hand is doing for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. May your reward be 10 fold, 100 fold or more!
AuthorWe're just getting started! the intent of the RIGHT HAND is to report on our giving to those in need. We hope to make a Matthew6.Life impression on all who receive a gift of anonymous donors for life! ArchivesCategories |